Personal Growth Articles

8 Ways We Sabotage Ourselves

Procrastination: Otherwise known as hesitancy and a lack of urgency. You cannot grow forward if you continue to stay here where you are. Putting off

8 Baby-Steps to Becoming More Outgoing

  Brainstorm the benefits: Some possibilities for you might include: additional (and deeper) relationships; more opportunities; conquering your fear; people remembering you in the future,

Are You a Tree-Hugger? (no, not that kind!)

I’m not talking about those who are environmentally-passionate. I’m talking about staying too close to the “trunks” in your life and leadership. The malady of

2 Choices When Encountering Resistance

So, I was biking over the weekend. One direction, I clipped along effortlessly because the wind was at my back, assisting my progress. But, of course,

Having a Birthday This Year?

Of course you are. But the real question is, Will you be a year wiser and better, or simply a year older? A lot of

3 Shift-to-the-Positive Questions

It’s human nature to default to “Woe is me!” “Everything is falling apart!” “They are purposefully making my life miserable!” “It never works!”  But, your mind

Before You Explode on Another Person

Clarify before reacting. Be curious before making a judgment. Feel a feeling; ask a question. Jumping to conclusions is not the kind of exercise you

Have You Made a Vision Board?

Hey, I wouldn’t be a coach if I didn’t talk about a vision board, right? You might have heard of these visual tools for dreaming

8 Ways to Beat Impatience

Struggle with impatience, and want to improve this character flaw–for a lower blood pressure, greater peace of mind, and a more pleasant impression of you

What’s on Your Counter?

My wife and I needle each other when we know we are not eating nutritiously (all too often!). One habit that has become ingrained in

What You Starve, Dies

You have probably heard the advice: “Whatever you feed, grows.” It refers to whatever you want more of in your life, whatever you want to

4 Daily Self-Care Priorities

Most days I run 100 miles per hour from morning till bedtime. I’m passionate about a lot of things and trying to add value wherever

5 Ways to Dance More on the Inside

So, I was driving in my neighborhood yesterday, and there was this kid, maybe 6 or 7 years old, walking on the sidewalk–actually, he wasn’t

So, I Have This Habit…

Do you want to break a bad habit? You know, the one that you feel ashamed about, the one you wouldn’t post on Facebook or

Judging Saps Your Joy

So quick to judge. There’s this park in my small city, that, for years, has not looked like more than a parking lot with weeds

Which Type of Achiever Are You?

I realized that everyone is a type of achiever–some with positive consequences and others with negative consequences. Do a self-check and also think about those around you for who you want to become and not become:

2 Choices for Your Focus Each Day

You can only focus on one thought at a time, right? That fact makes thought-control incredibly important because you get more of what you focus upon.

I love to hike, and while hiking, as in life, you can choose to focus on the vistas or the “blistas” (blisters).

3 Reasons to Re-Stripe Your Life

I pulled into the parking lot and immediately recognized a facelift had taken place. Bright yellow lines jumped out at me from the blacktop, where faded ones had previously been. Re-striping upped the professionalism of the business by showing that it cared about their external appearance/message to the world and that it wanted to keep its patrons safe with clear markings.

3 Affirmations to Pull You Through Adversity

After reading a blog post by Seth Godin on “Bounce Forward” and listening to the audio book “David and Goliath” by Malcolm Gladwell, I saw a theme: Adversity can be a launching pad.

You are at the Halfway Point of 2015

So, how was your first half of 2015? Take stock on your wins for the past six months and write down wherever you moved the ball forward in any area of your life, business, and relationships. What contributed to that success?

2 Responses When Getting Offended

“We often rationalize away the real reason we choose not to confront: we are cowards….We would rather harbor resentment than risk rejection.“ Whoa! How about

Roundabout Communication

Here in Eastern WA state, the cities have gone roundabout-wild. It seems there is a new one somewhere in town every month, and their hopes