by Paul Casey

3 Shift-to-the-Positive Questions

Blessing20TokenIt’s human nature to default to “Woe is me!” “Everything is falling apart!” “They are purposefully making my life miserable!” “It never works!”  But, your mind attracts what you mind (dwell on); so, that kind of thinking just leads to more spiraling negative thoughts.

Instead, pull out of the mudpuddle, pause and think about this season of your life and ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. What good is happening right now? Take a look around at the big picture of your life, your family members and circumstances and actively name the bright side of things. It could be worse!
  2. What is growing bigger? Hopefully, you aren’t staying stagnant, but trying to “grow seeds into fruit.” What is developing into something that makes you smile. Bank account? Love for someone? Flowers you’ve planted? A skill?
  3. What are the everyday blessings I’m experiencing? This goes under the “don’t take anything for granted” category. Which of your body parts are healthy? Isn’t this weather overall good? Car running OK? Got electricity/heat? More things are truly going right than going wrong after you assess in this activity.

Treat yourself to some positive thinking today to cheer yourself up. Write it down and tell someone else about it. Start to retrain your brain to be more optimistic, and your eyes will be opened to the good in your life!

Does your team need a boost? Contact Paul for team-building to help bring more unity to your group. 


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