Personal Growth Articles
Growth is hard work!
Growth is hard work. It’s easy to lose sight of yourself in the daily grind of life. In the blink of an eye, you can become someone you don’t recognize.
When You Disagree with Someone, Do This!
January 30, 2022 | Originally posted on February 2, 2017 When you disagree with someone or when they can only see a problem or situation
8 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Get Going on Goals
January 20, 2022 | Originally posted on September 10, 2016 We set goals because at a certain point in time we decide we want to
Common Career-Limiting Habits and How to Break Them
by Paul Casey | October 18, 2021 You are performing well at work, hitting your productivity goals, and even taking on extra work. Over the
You are a Learner If…
One of my “official” strengths when taking the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment is being a Learner. Yes, I’ll own that. I’m insatiable when it comes to
Small Things Make a Big Difference–guest blog by Chris Baker
How are you doing? Is 2021 panning out the way you hoped? If you set a goal or made a New Year’s Resolution, how is
10 Monday Mindset Motivators–and All Week Long
To be on the “top of your game” every day, you must have your thought patterns in the right place. Your thoughts turn into feelings
8 Things Not to Lose
We’ve all lost our keys or wallet or sunglasses a time or two, and we’ve either found them or replaced them. However, there are less
16 Daily Success Habits
I queried my coaching clients last month for the habits they do every day in order to have a better chance at a typical day
Books I Read I Recommend from 2020
So, yeah, I “nerd-out on non-fiction”: primarily reading personal growth and leadership books, and 2020 was no exception, reading 45 books–some, while exercising, on Audible,
18 Agile Actions I Took in 2020
I just finished my annual planning day, and am very excited to share with you some reflections about how I adjusted to this crazy year,
When You Have Nothing to Pour Out: A Leader’s Inner Health
“If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially
Feel Like You’re Just Treading Water?
I had a client say the other day that he was just “treading water” when I asked him how he was doing in this COVID-scarred
Enhancing Your Executive Presence (part 1)
What is EP? Executive presence is a combination of personal traits and outward behaviors that create an image of leadership competence and trustworthiness. Executive presence is
Vision: From Person to Paper to People
Without a process, cool visions are only daydreams that “die on the vine”. And you gravitate back “the way things always are.” How does a
Don’t Let the Mosquitoes of Life Get to You
We are fortunate that in my area of Eastern Washington state, we don’t have a whole lot of mosquitoes in our climate. And, our local
6 Reasons to Evaluate When Considering Moving On
You’ve got that restless feeling. Your job doesn’t give you that same positive feeling that it used to. Problems seem to outweigh victories. You have
10 Life Lessons from my High Adventure Course Experience
There I was, looking up at the structure of ropes and logs and wires. I think it was about 60 feet high, but it could
Who’s on Your Personal Board of Directors?
It’s almost impossible to become a high performer in any profession without a fantastic support team in front of you, beside you and behind you.
14 Self-Leadership Books I Read Last Year
I realize that I hadn’t shared the titles of the 35 leadership and personal development books I read in 2019. Here are the ones I
Don’t Waste Your Pain
I like to pass on the story of a young girl giving away golden retriever puppies in a little pen she had made in her
Add One Thing to Your Morning Routine
When I ask clients and seminar participants what they do to make their mornings more successful, I get a mixed bag of answers. Some say
Return to Terminal or Exit Airport–Your Choice
It’s been a while since I’ve been at an airport, but the last time I was there, I noticed two signs: one said Return to
5 Tips for Creating a Positive Mindset When It’s Difficult–Guest Blog by Amanda Black
I am beyond appreciative to be writing this guest blog post for my friend and mentor, Paul Casey. This post finds us all during a
Getting Stronger as a Leader
There is a good chance that you have worked in your industry for a while and are quite familiar with its products/services,compliance/risk management, and how
5 Things You Must Know About Yourself to Be Self-Aware
One of the key precursors of success in business and in life depends on how well you know yourself, what you value and why you
What to Put in Your Own Leadership Growth Plan
Your business and your team can only grow as high as you have grown yourself. Sure, you can be a poser for a while, but
Set Some “The Rest of Your Life” Goals
On my 37th birthday, I came up with a list of things I want to be characterized by, for the 2nd half of my life;
How to Get Out of a Rut
Golf courses try to keep their grounds looking as pristine as possible. But golf CARTS can be an enemy to this goal because of how
Checklist of Actions to Take Every Day
We feel successful when we develop daily habits that positively shape who we are and what we stand for. Here’s a list I’ve compiled of