Personal Growth Articles

How to Learn from Your Mistake

Some people just have to learn things the hard way. Maybe they are kinesthetic learners or maybe just too proud to take wise advice fro

The 40 Books I Read in 2018 (part 1)

I hit my goal of reading 40 non-fiction leadership and personal growth books last year, and thought I’d share either the big thought or why

Sweep the Sand Off Your Sidewalk

Now that it’s winter, I remembered something that happened after winter last spring. I noticed city employees with brooms sweeping the sand off the sidewalks

5 Actions To Be More Self-Aware

There is a shortage of people in this world who are truly self-aware: people who actually notice the effect they are having on others and

5 Introvert Growth Steps

Speak up more often in meetings. Despite your proclivity to “take in” the information/conversation, take the leap and share your opinion on a topic. If

Fasting from….Excuses!

Have you heard of the spiritual ritual of fasting? It’s giving up something for a period of time, to focus on something more important to

What to Do with Your Anger

Anger is simply one of our emotions, given to us as an indicator of an injustice and a motivator to take constructive action to right

LEAD Conflict Toward Resolution

When someone is confronting you about something (in work or your personal life), it is very difficult to not get defensive, which simply escalates the

4 Ways Hiking Links to Self-Leadership

Maybe it’s because I’m in nature, maybe it’s having the mental space to think–but it seems I receive insights on life whenever I go hiking.

Are You a Great Listener?

Michael Hoppe wrote the framework for being a great listener, and I have given my color-commentary on his main points, as a primer for boosting

4 Ways to Keep Yourself Accountable

If you want to truly make an impact at work and in the world, ultimately, you must hold yourself accountable to getting your goals accomplished.

6 Productivity Stoppers

Clear these barriers away from the path to getting your work done! Notifications on devices: The constant ping of social media is a “squirrel” that

6 Self-Confidence Boosters

Followers want a self-confident leader, in whom they can put their trust. Waffling, hedging, insecure leaders have the opposite effect on their people. So, how

6 Ways to Better Handle Change

Most people dislike change and prefer their comfort zones and routines, where they have control over their lives for the most part. But sometimes, change

How to Overcome Discouragement

Feeling glum? In a funk? Bummed out? Disappointed? It’s not like you, and you surely don’t want to stay in that emotional state for too

When You Disagree with Someone, Do This!

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]Fight the urge to rush in and blast back at that