by Paul Casey

6 Self-Confidence Boosters

Followers want a self-confident leader, in whom they can put their trust. Waffling, hedging, insecure leaders have the opposite effect on their people. So, how do you build more self-confidence and wear the mantle of leadership that you were hired or chosen to wear? Or, even if you are not a leader right now, how can you get on the runway for future leadership positions?

  1. Try new things every month.  Push past the fear of the unknown and do something you never have. You most likely have the capacity to make it happen, and once you do it, you build into yourself another level of confidence in accomplishing something outside your comfort zone.
  2. Surround yourself with empowering people. Notice those in your circle of influence (or who you’d like to get to know better) who are encouragers, with a can-do mentality, who have the knack for helping people like you build confidence to take your next step. The flip side of this tip is to limit time with dream-squelchers.
  3. Stay in your strengths zone. For 80% of your time in any endeavor, anchor your participation in what you know you are good at, what makes you feel strong when you are doing it, what people have always praised you for doing well. Not only does this increase your confidence, but it builds boldness for trying the 20% of activities on “the edge of” your strengths–the natural next steps of your personal growth.
  4. Declare to yourself and others what you are doing. There is something powerful about taking control of your self-talk (sometimes, every few minutes!) and affirming aloud what and why you are going to start doing now. That power multiplies when you share your declaration on Facebook to the world, and when you tell your loved ones about your resolve. Accountability is often the final piece of taking an action that you’ve previously delayed.
  5. Focus on the end-game. You must be convinced that the victory on the other side of this “step of faith” is going to be much greater than staying stuck for another day and regretting it. Visualize the benefits of a new-you doing that dreamed-about action and reaping the benefits.
  6. Jump, don’t hesitate. Don’t allow your brain to rationalize away opportunities with its excuse-making defeatism. The longer you delay, the more you procrastinate and talk yourself out of it. Raise your hand, hit the go-button, sign up–just start, and you will push through the anxiety and settle in more comfortably to these new surroundings.

Confidence begets more confidence. With short-term wins using these strategies, you will gain the executive presence needed to make better decisions and win the respect of your team to Grow them and yourself Forward. Contact me at or Growing Fwd Services on Facebook if you want to grow to the next level in your leadership through coaching.


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