by Paul Casey

5 Ways to Rekindle Your Enthusiasm for Volunteering

Volunteerism is one way to give back to your community to a cause for which you are passionate about supporting. Sometimes, you find yourself restless in a volunteer role–be it as a board member or a role player– and questioning whether you should continue or resign.  There is a third option: renaissance!

Get more involved by:

  1. Reconnecting to your Why. Why did you sign up to volunteer in the first place? What convinced you this was a good cause that needed extra support that you could give, with your time and expertise? Remind yourself of the good it’s doing for the constituents you are serving.
  2. Meet with your leader. Whether it’s the executive director, board chairperson, or team leader–take them to coffee and share how you are feeling and your desire to make more of a difference for the organization. Listen for feedback/opportunities.
  3. Participate one level deeper than you do now. It might be speaking up at meetings on current issues or with a new idea, signing up to be a committee/task force chair, or taking more leadership of a project. You’ll be more of a contributor and everyone wins!
  4. Add value to the constituents you serve. After all, just like #1, the joy comes from seeing lives changed, even in little ways.  Block out your calendar for the next opportunity to get face-to-face with people who need what you have to offer. Make their day with encouragement and support; your presence just might be what they need (and you need) the most.
  5. Be an evangelist. Every chance you get when with friends and at work or in the community, broadcast the good that your volunteer organization is accomplishing.  It simultaneously will pump YOU up as it piques their interest.

Before you think about resigning from volunteering, take the time to re-evaluate the value you are giving and receiving—and you’ll keep Growing Forward! If you haven’t found me on Linkedin yet, search for Paul D. Casey and reach out for a connection. Join my Facebook group “I am Growing Forward,” or reach out at


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