Everyone Needs This “Booster Shot”

“We are behind you 100%!”  “Don’t back down!” “C’mon, you can do it!” “I have full confidence in your ability to do it.” “I am FOR you and your success.” Statements like those above are boosters! Who doesn’t want a regular dose of these encouragements at work and at home and in the community? Usually, […]

Humor Me

“Humor is a very effective way of expelling anger feelings.”  This is just one of the benefits to get more of a daily dose of humor in your life, and to use it as a communication strategy with everyone around you. Humor builds bridges between people, and laughter is a huge stress reliever–It’s great for […]

If You Only Had One Year Left to Live

In my longer monthly reflection day last month, I pondered the question, What would I do if I only had one year left to live?  I’d encourage you to ponder this question from that perspective. Once you write down your answers, think to yourself, “And why am I not living that way now? How can […]

Two are Better Than One

Loners. Hermits. Mavericks. Isolaters. “One is too small a number to achieve greatness,” John Maxwell says, and although every one of us can make a significant impact in our circle of influence, we are either standing on the shoulders of those who developed us, or we are doing it with some assistance from another person. […]

When is it Good to Cross the Street?

I used to go to a counselor who would remind her clients that it is not emotionally healthy to get involved in other people’s drama and make it something to worry about, but to instead “stay on your side of the street.” It’s good advice, because when it comes to having good boundaries in your […]

Blowin’ Like a Tumbleweed?

In this area of Eastern WA, we have some desert-like characteristics, and one of those is the blowing tumbleweed in the notorious wind that sweeps through the Tri-Cities every so often. Wikipedia defines a tumbleweed as the above-ground part of any of a number of plants that, once mature and dry, disengage from the root and […]

Live Like You Are at a Dentist Appointment

Why is this woman smiling?! She’s at the dentist! There isn’t much to do while at the dentist office besides nervously flipping through magazines and hoping there will be a good report and not much pain this time. Why do we still go? I think it’s like the process of self-evaluation and growth in our […]

Which Direction Are You Pointing People?

Like an invisible sign-post attached to your body, your actions and words are pointing those you influence somewhere.  Does that make you just shudder? It does me! I think we often forget we are always being watched: by our family, by our friends, by our social media friends, by our co-workers, by strangers in the […]

Hazards to Avoid

I usually get insights when I am hiking, and one I noticed a while back was that the trail has hazards on it and hazards off it–and so I must pay attention while I’m hiking in order to stay out of trouble–and so that I enjoy the hike fully. On the trail I encountered things like dog doodoo, […]

You are Mentally Healthy If….

…you can maintain a healthy balance between being with others and being alone.  Well, it’s just one indicator, but it’s important. Oftentimes, a person feels like they have to surround themselves with people in order to feel OK about themselves–so they chase others for self-affirmation, and it can border on co-dependency. OR, a person can […]