Getting Any Better?
What are you getting more skillful at this year, than you were last year? I took some time to figure this out for myself earlier this year. Here’s my list and some color commentary: Creating staff accountability systems. By re-doing job descriptions, having staff set goals off those priorities, appraising what matters most, re-creating our […]
Who and What are your Life-Shapers?
As I reflected back on last year, I noticed that there were some pivotal people and experiences that either encouraged me, opened doors for me, or taught me something that I wouldn’t have learned otherwise. I’d encourage you to also reflect on these catalytic people and circumstances so that you don’t lose the personal growth […]
New Trails for New Life
“We must head into country that has no clear trail.” –John Eldredge Have you noticed that when you try something new, it invigorates you? Or, at the least, gets your adrenaline going? It could be riding a new roller coaster, serving on a new team, tackling a new home improvement project, or reading a new […]
Rest or Run Aground
One of my learnings from last year (which I finally typed up!) was that without true rest and replenishment at least one day per week, I will run aground. And so will you. And when you are aground, you aren’t growing forward. You are stuck, paralyzed. You are burned out. I’m getting more and more […]
Sooner or Later
Most of us HATE confronting people! Don’t you agree? We’d rather push it under the rug, take it on the chin, walk on eggshells–than get the elephant in the room on the table for discussion and resolution. (Wow, that was a lot of colloquialisms in one sentence!) But, of course, we know, it only makes […]
Got Vision?
I’ve had a personal mission statement for several years now. It’s the reason I believe God put me on the planet, and it’s a great screen for how I use my time. It goes like this: “To add value to people through encouraging/equipping words, servant-leader actions, and a contagious passion to honor God with my […]
Helicopters, Nugget-Givers, and Object Lessons
Where do I get my material for blogs? Well, the first category I would call Helicopters. These are insights that swoop down on me out of the blue, that I wasn’t expecting or searching for–but that I cannot ignore as something to pass onto others and/or assimilate into my own life. Then there are Nugget-Givers. […]
Snow in Spring
Ok, not really. But I was re-reading my journal and found a great lesson that I realized from snow that applies to our lives this spring! Emotional baggage that is not dealt with and consistent bad choices accumulate like snow and cover the functional areas of our life. It’s a gradual build-up–almost unnoticeable. On the outside, […]
Stuck in a Paradigm
Paradigms are ways of thinking on an issue. Most of ours are in cement due to the family system we grew up in, our other life experiences, the people we hang around, and the literature/media we take in. And we sort of like it that way. Doesn’t stretch our minds much. Can make us lazy […]
Shoot Straight
Ever left a conversation, wanting to say what was on your mind, but not having the courage to do it–and then leaving with a feeling of regret because you are still carrying the message within you? Well, it’s probably fear of the reaction that kept it inside, right? Usually when probing for dysfunction on a work […]