Decay. Makes me think of tooth decay–you know, the icky pictures of the mouths of people who haven’t gone to the dentist in decades. Or urban decay, when parts of a city aren’t maintain and fall into disarray. And I think there’s some decay going on in the fruit drawer in my fridge. Decay can […]
Look Forward, Look Back
I’m not into mythology at all, but I recently read that Julius Caesar, the guy who instituted the modern calendar, named January 1 as the first day of the year in honor of the god Janus, the god of new beginnings. Janus had 2 faces, allowing him to look forward and backward at the same […]
Under Attack?
“When we are under attack, we’ve got to hang on to the truth.” –John Eldredge Just about all of us lose our cool once in a while. Unfortunately we all experience someone losing their cool in front of us–sometimes AT us. Your hackles go up. You run for cover on the inside and begin building […]
Being a Pleaser Gets You…Nowhere
A pleaser mentality often displaces your best present/future for your life. Yet, I catch myself in “pleaser mode” quite frequently each day. Not speaking directly. Holding back. Working around an obstacle instead of facing it head-on. Worried, oh so worried, about what others will think or bracing for their backlash. What pleasing-others does is morphs […]
The Imposter Within You
Every one of us has a false self, an imposter that presents itself to defend against pain. We think that it’s our best choice in the moment, but it actually detracts from becoming more of who we truly are. For some, it’s throwing out a funny comment or talking so much as to put up a smoke […]
Take Courage!
Someone around you is just waiting on you to step up and take courage. Every one of us has standing- still as a default mode in our internal hard-drives. It’s easier to simply stay here and not take any risks. Which, of course, leads to a dull life and it doesn’t help anyone else around […]
Life After 40
A few years ago (yes, I must admit I’m now “into” my forties!) I began a list of how I wanted my life to be different after I turned 40–with choices within my control. I always want to be living intentionally, and not by default. Whether you are 40 or not, it’s a great exercise […]
How are you Driving your Life?
“To live a driven life, you have to literally shove your heart down, or drive it with a whip.” –John Eldredge I have always been driven. Never seem to be able to relax. Must use every second intentionally. The benefits: I get a lot done! I’m always moving the ball forward on a bunch of […]
Persevere and Learn
We all have challenges that push us to the brink of throwing in the towel, of despairing, of “taking our ball and going home.” If we take the opposite approach, and choose to hang in there and push through the discomfort, staying aware of what we can learn from the “valley”, we can come out […]
Who are your Teachers These Days?
The kids are back in school. My question for you is, “Are you still in school?” Not formally, though some of you are continuing your formal education toward degrees or certifications. But, who and what are you learning from these days? Are you a life-long learner? In the past year, some of my “teachers” have […]