Above All, Try Something!

The title of this post is a quote from Roosevelt that comes from a Facebook graphic that I saw the other day, and it reminded me of one of my favorite bloggers Seth Godin. Seth’s continual messages are Pick Yourself and Ship Something and Poke the Box. Pick Yourself means that you don’t have to wait […]

Remember Scrimmage Games?

Scrimmages were the best part of practices for sports when growing up. You didn’t have to do drills, but you got to play a simulated game against your teammates–which was way more fun!  But when the coach would say today would be a “controlled scrimmage,” it wasn’t quite as fun, yet way more beneficial to […]

A Lesson from the On/Off Ramp

I was in traffic today on the freeway and was approaching my exit. It’s one of those that has cars merging on and merging off in the same 75 yards or so. A car cut in from my left, trying to get over to exit, putting his turn signal on at the last minute. I braked […]

Would You Describe Yourself as Open?

I was at a communication seminar last year, where the presenter was encouraging open communication, as opposed to closed communication. Open communication meant that a person was transparent with information about work projects and decisions, but also about one’s self and life. They “got things out on the table.” Closed communicators held information close to […]

The Best Leaders (Spouses; Friends; Etc.)…

…Do these supportive things for those they lead and/or care about: 1. Help prevent you from stumbling. If they see that you are on a path for tripping up, they speak up and caution you against a course that would harm you or your future. 2. Send reinforcements. With the resources at their disposal, they […]

What Do You Stand For?

“Conviction” is a word best described as “what you stand for” in your life. We all have them, and they drive our behaviors in all our relationships and in how we spend our time and money. Have you ever given some thought to what your driving convictions are? Here’s an exercise to do. Ask yourself what motivates you […]

You Are Writing Your Story

Every day, you are writing your autobiography, whether you are putting pen to paper in a journal or not. Every action, every word, every minute spent–all are a part of your history as soon as they come from you. And people are reading you…. So, what kind of book is yours going to be? A […]

Good Enough?

When someone says, “Good Enough”, there can be a positive or a negative connotation to it, depending on the attitude behind it. On one hand, it’s good to say that your effort is good enough if you are a perfectionist, and you struggle with completing projects because it typically must pass the perfection test before […]

Receiving Always Precedes Giving

Odd statement, right? We always hear how it’s more blessed to give than to receive, and that is very true. But have you ever met someone (a subtle way to say, Myself!) who had trouble receiving a compliment, a gift, or assistance with a project? There just seemed to be a block from allowing love to […]

Changing Your First Impulse

I don’t know about you, but often my first impulse in any situation leans toward selfishness, looking out for Number One, self-gratification. That is a pattern I want to keep working on to change for the rest of my life. What I want, and probably what you want, more of is a desire to think […]