by Paul Casey

Receiving Always Precedes Giving

Give-and-Receive-LoveOdd statement, right? We always hear how it’s more blessed to give than to receive, and that is very true. But have you ever met someone (a subtle way to say, Myself!) who had trouble receiving a compliment, a gift, or assistance with a project? There just seemed to be a block from allowing love to get into their heart.

Not being able to receive love has at its root a dysfunctional self-concept. For some, it’s pride: “I don’t want to be a bother. I don’t want any special attention. I can do it myself.” For others, it’s a poor self-image: “I don’t deserve that compliment. I just want to be by myself. I’m not worthy of loving.”  And it robs the rest of the world from giving to you, which would fill their tank!

But how can you love your neighbor (a foundational commandment) if you don’t allow love to flow to yourself? I think that the reason some people are so mean to others is that they haven’t allowed their own hearts to be melted by the love of others, because of their negative self-talk. That blockade must be removed. And the sun will shine into your soul.

This is a big issue to deal with, with a people-helper like a counselor, who can dig for the root of the inability to receive. Imagine how much more good will flow out of you when it’s going both ways!


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