by Paul Casey

Changing Your First Impulse

first-impression-rs-story-topI don’t know about you, but often my first impulse in any situation leans toward selfishness, looking out for Number One, self-gratification. That is a pattern I want to keep working on to change for the rest of my life.

What I want, and probably what you want, more of is a desire to think of others’ needs before my own, right out of the chute. Instead of getting defensive or demanding or manipulating my way through an interaction, I want to ask more questions to learn how to bless and serve those with whom I’m speaking. Sure, my “story” is valid, but I want to promote others’ stories, which then adds to my story in a much more fulfilling way.

So, changing your first impulse starts with a new question. From “What’s in it for me?” to “How can I come alongside you?” That’s my motto of coaching, and I want it to permeate my personal life, too. That first impulse must not be judgmental either, but one of curiosity, in order to love others where they are at–not “vote them off the island.”

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