Having a Birthday This Year?
Of course you are. But the real question is, Will you be a year wiser and better, or simply a year older? A lot of people stagnate in their personal growth even though they keep getting older. Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age, for, as John Maxwell says, “Sometimes age comes alone.” So, how do […]
3 Shift-to-the-Positive Questions
It’s human nature to default to “Woe is me!” “Everything is falling apart!” “They are purposefully making my life miserable!” “It never works!” But, your mind attracts what you mind (dwell on); so, that kind of thinking just leads to more spiraling negative thoughts. Instead, pull out of the mudpuddle, pause and think about this season […]
Never Truly a Good Time to Start
So, there never truly is a good time to start on a new goal. OK, I don’t like to start blogs with pessimism, but stay with me. Have you ever noticed when you try to start something new that would benefit yourself (like a diet, an exercise program, a professional reading goal) or benefit others […]
Before You Explode on Another Person
Clarify before reacting. Be curious before making a judgment. Feel a feeling; ask a question. Jumping to conclusions is not the kind of exercise you want. Declare what you need. Don’t stuff your emotions. Get out what’s bothering you onto the table before keeping score and determining you are losing. And remember that no one is […]
Have You Made a Vision Board?
Hey, I wouldn’t be a coach if I didn’t talk about a vision board, right? You might have heard of these visual tools for dreaming about your future—and then putting together action plans to steadily get there. Carve out some time to think about what you want to be, do, and have in your future. […]
Ride Out the Turbulence to Succeed
The only reason I dislike flying is because of one word: turbulence. I don’t think I’m going to crash or anything like that; I just have motion sickness and the turbulence gets me all worked up. Change and obstacles in your life or business are turbulence. They are the bumps that occur between takeoff and cruising […]
8 Ways to Beat Impatience
Struggle with impatience, and want to improve this character flaw–for a lower blood pressure, greater peace of mind, and a more pleasant impression of you by those around you? Try these practical tips: Figure out the root of why you are impatient when you are experiencing it. As soon as you get aggravated, ask yourself […]
What’s on Your Counter?
My wife and I needle each other when we know we are not eating nutritiously (all too often!). One habit that has become ingrained in us–and probably in thousands of others–is that we eat whatever is on the counter. If there is junk food there, purchased at the store, given as a gift, or brought […]
What You Starve, Dies
You have probably heard the advice: “Whatever you feed, grows.” It refers to whatever you want more of in your life, whatever you want to expand/get bigger, you must give it fuel like time and attention. Now let’s look at the opposite of that statement: “Whatever you starve, dies.” This can have positive and negative […]
Biting Off More Than You Can Chew?
The title of this blogpost has been a struggle for me for the past 20 years. Even though the saying refers to accepting too many responsibilities than you can effectively handle, I literally bite off more than I can chew most days when I’m eating. Since I’m a bit OCD when it comes to time […]