Where Maturity is Found

“We pick people at the same level of immaturity as us.” –John Townsend Of course, we want to be validated and accepted–core needs everyone has.  So, we gravitate to Yes-people in our lives who will give us approval for the choices we are making and the feelings we are feeling.  Makes sense. But there is […]

The Bounce Factor

When I think of bouncing, I think of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh: vibrant enthusiasm, carefree-ness, optimism, and an invitation to play. On a scale of 1-10 right now, what is your bounce factor? Do you bounce into a room with a can-do attitude, or are you the Eeyore of the group, kaboshing new ideas […]

A Different Kind of Measuring Stick

The other day I heard in a podcast that we should measure our wealth by the quality of our friendships. I really liked that because people matter most! Money comes and goes. An endless pursuit of more money will run you into the ground. An endless pursuit of quality in friendships will lead to an […]

Direction More Important Than Perfection

“Asked of Socrates: ‘How can I reach Mt. Olympus?’..Socrates replied, ‘Just make every step you take go in that direction.’  A noble sense of direction always opens the door for noble events and words along the way.” (When Men Think Private Thoughts) When I’m coaching someone and they are telling me about one of their […]

Is Your Character Showing?

“The question, ‘What am I really made of?’ will most likely be asked on a day when you face a significant test (betrayed, cheated…)” “Character describes the inner soil out of which actions and words grow. Character is formed out of a lively conscience, powerful/influential models of behavior, sound teaching, and a realization that we […]

It’s 2012! Set Some Goals!

“Management of life requires goals.” “Contribution begins with great goals.” I like these quotes because they show intentionality in taking life by the tail, instead of drifting in the wind of busyness. God wants us all to make a difference in His world this year, and He needs us to stop, seek His will, and […]

Longer Strides and Larger Embraces

In 2 Samuel 5:10, we find that King David “proceeded with a longer stride, a larger embrace since the God-of-the-Angel-Armies was with him.” As I begin to look ahead into 2012, I want to be able to walk/behave like David did–with a longer stride–and reach out with a larger embrace of life because I know […]

A Vision for My Life (and Yours?)

Oh, to have this reputation, that David had in I Samuel 29:3: “I’ve found nothing to be suspicious of, nothing to complain about….” 29:6: “You’ve been a trusted ally–excellent in all the ways you have worked with me, beyond reproach in the ways you have conducted yourself…”  29:9: “You’re a good man–as far as I’m […]

Deal with It

“A human being does not grow beyond a problem that has deep emotional significance for him until he comes to terms with that problem: until he understands it: accommodates it in his life arrangements; if possible, resolves it entirely…A man cannot control what he hasn’t named…Their effect is felt in the reactions/patterns of life he […]

Prevent a Life “Rollover Accident”

When I was driving to Portland a year ago in the winter, I was checking the road conditions, and it seemed like it was pretty clear overall with patches of ice in places. It was a sunny day, and I clipped along without worries for many miles. Then, around a turn, I saw blinking lights […]