by Paul Casey

Is Your Character Showing?

“The question, ‘What am I really made of?’ will most likely be asked on a day when you face a significant test (betrayed, cheated…)”

“Character describes the inner soil out of which actions and words grow. Character is formed out of a lively conscience, powerful/influential models of behavior, sound teaching, and a realization that we are accountable to God.”

“Joseph…did it all on character: an uncompromising sense of right/wrong; an impeccable honesty/dependability; a wise/discerning mind; a strong moral compass; a soul free of bitterness/vengeance; and a courage to speak/act out of truth.”  (When Men Think Private Thoughts)

Early in life I heard that sports builds character. I soon learned that sports REVEALS character, as does having a leadership position, going through difficult circumstances, getting in serious relationships, etc.  That’s when all of your observers see what’s in your heart (since “out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.”).

The key is to be constantly becoming more mature in one’s character. Sure, most people’s worldview is set by age 12, and most of the education we get on character-formation comes from our parents/teachers/coaches growing up. But we don’t have to stop the process of becoming more like Christ, more whole, more toward becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be.  The more time we spend getting to know God, the more we want to become like Him, and to give him the reins of our lives.

Joseph is one of the best all-time at living a life of character, no matter what hit him across the face. And I can’t help but think that the only way he got through it, was that his eyes were constantly on God whenever it came to a decision he had to make, or what reaction/response he would give when the crucible moment happened. He used tragedies as triggers to depend more on God, while so many use them as triggers to go dark, to complain, to blame, to go destructive with anger, etc.


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