A Pat on the Back–guest blog by John LaFemina

Guest blogging for Growing Forward Services is a man I admire for his leadership skills. I met him through Leadership Tri-Cities, and I have on my schedule a time to pick his brain for gems of wisdom in how he leads at work and in our community. Enjoy! A Pat on the Back By John P. […]

Your Morning Routine Defines You

OK, maybe that’s too strong a title. However, you can choose to intentionally start your day out in a way that matches or reinforces your values–or you can be unintentional by sleeping late, rushing around, and missing opportunities. Here are a few ways I intentionally spend my mornings. After I shower, I read my Bible, […]

When Change is the Hardest

I dislike flying in airplanes. My wife is giddy about it. She holds my hand as my knuckles turn white whenever there is turbulence since I have motion sickness. So, last week when flying (pretty smooth flights, actually), I could see a parallel between turbulence in the air and trying to make a change in […]

Stop Investing in Dead Things

Did that title catch your attention? I hope so, because I think we all occasionally invest in things that are dead or dying–and it’s a wasted return on investment (ROI)!  There are the people that drain life from us, work tasks that are simply busywork, large blocks of time spent on “screens” (TV, video games, mindless web-surfing, non-intentional social […]

What are the Springs in Your Life?

If you’ve ever hiked to a mountain spring, you know the sight of fresh water bubbling up and gushing out. It just screams refreshment and nature’s best.  Similarly, take a walk around your own life right now and self-examine, “What are the fresh springs bubbling in my life? Where are the areas that are life-producing […]

Grieve and Get on With Living

“One of the most important personal skills we can develop is learning how to shorten the pain time in a crisis.”  #RebuildingWhenYourRelationshipEnds So, you get hit with bad news, or an unexpected bill comes in the mail, or your car gets hit in a parking lot, or an extended family member gets a tragic health […]

Look Around and Engage

“The events of our lives become opportunities for initiation.” @JohnEldredge Unless you tend to be more of a “homebody”, you are frequently in groups of people. They are in the grocery lines, at the athletic events, at church, in your professional organizations and clubs, etc. What if you saw these times that you “rub shoulders” […]

Yes, You MUST Be Creative

“Originality and creativity are essential to personhood.” –John Eldredge So, we know that the right brain is the creative side, and the left brain is our logical side, right? And that all of us tend to lean toward one side or the other, though both sides are tapped all day long. (Which side do you favor?) […]

Why Hesitation Hurts You

Sometimes in my car I pull up to a stop sign, wanting to pull into traffic that doesn’t have to stop.  I look both ways and determine if it’s safe to make the left turn across both lanes of traffic. I’ve noticed lately that if I do that evaluation more quickly, there is often a […]

Learning from 2012

One of my habits is to reflect at year’s end for a whole day or two. So, on December 29, I parked at Starbucks and started listing the highlights of 2012, and the lessons learned from the hard times. Here are some of mine: Highlights: Recognized for the Family Advocacy Award by AMFT and celebrated […]