Leadership Articles
11 Inspirational Actions to be a Better Team-builder
Your people truly are your most important asset. Say it every day. You simply can’t do it alone. The SEALs like to say, “Individuals play
Why Servant-Leadership Will Empower Your Team
Ever served under a leader who WAS the obstacle to getting things done in the company? Servant-leaders, instead, are those who use their power and
Got Cracks in Your Leadership? Guest Blog by Amy Glazer
I recently heard a talk on the Japanese art of Kintsugi. If you aren’t familiar with Kintsugi, it is taking a piece of broken pottery
How to Model Humility to Your Team
Darren Hardy said, “To change your reflection (what you do that you want your people to do), change your projection (the example you set).” You
Who is a Leader? Guest Blog by TJ Reid
Just this morning, I received a message from a parent of a teenager that said, “I’m not necessarily a leader, but I wanted you to
What It Means to Have No-Quit Grit
To succeed in any industry, you must keep moving. It’s how good leaders become great leaders. “The key to success is holding in your conscious
Top Tips on Upgrading Your Planning Process
For every minute of planning you do, you save ten minutes of time. The payoff is great. The time to do it? That’s the challenge.
Deploy Strengths to Increase Engagement–Guest Blog by Dr. Catherine Wiberg
As leaders, you evaluate the present and look toward the future. You consistently work to make tomorrow better than today. You might also feel like
How to Be More Optimistic
“Mojo” is that positive spirit toward what you are doing, and it’s a crucial mindset for leadership. “It starts on the inside,” shares Marshall Goldsmith,
Opportunity’s Knocking; You Answering?
If you are reading this blog, there’s a good chance you are an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur (within a company). With that often comes a
Tools for Monitoring Your Team’s Progress
Leading a successful team or business must have both sides of the same coin: a compelling vision of a desired future and a day-to-day excellence
22 Ways to Develop a Leader on Your Team
One of the first jobs of a leader is to develop another leader. While it may not seem like a top priority when viewed with
5 Things You Must Know About Yourself to Be Self-Aware
One of the key precursors of success in business and in life depends on how well you know yourself, what you value and why you
Why Leaders Stay Stuck–And Blasting That Obstacle Today!
Dan Waldschmidt lists the number one radical belief of super-star business leaders as “Just because you aren’t sure what to do doesn’t mean you shouldn’t
14 Habits for Becoming More Creative
Rarely is the path to anything great a straight line devoid of any obstacles or hiccups. At some point along the journey, a curve ball
A Step-by-Step Hiring Process You Can Plug and Play
Most leaders would say, if asked, that their people are their company’s best asset. And if that is true, then it starts with hiring the
What to Put in Your Own Leadership Growth Plan
Your business and your team can only grow as high as you have grown yourself. Sure, you can be a poser for a while, but
How to be a Flex-Leader
“Blessed are the flexible, for they will never be bent out of shape.” I saw this on a bumper sticker once and thought how true
How to Take Your Leadership from Good Enough to Excellent
“Your job is to leave the organization better than you found it. You are its steward,” states John Addison, and the way to assure that
Why You Must Be a Good Decision-Maker in Leadership
Ready, aim, fire. Leaders need all three of those actions in their portfolio. A lot of Ready is knowing and preparing yourself for action, and
A Good Set of Ground Rules for Your Meetings and Retreats
When I facilitate retreats for organizations and teams, I usually start out by having the group come up with their own ground rules by which
Why Boldness is Essential in Your Leadership
Life throws you curve balls and many days you may feel off-kilter. And that may affect your self-confidence or make you tempted to hedge your
How to Make Your Team Happier
Happy employees make for happy customers—and that leads to higher profits. As a leader, you can use your position to create a motivating environment and
Stretchin’ Like a Rubber Band
Are you comfortable? I don’t mean in the chair in which you are reading this blog. I mean, in life and in your job. The
Do You Need to Attend Delegation Anonymous?
I know! It’s just easier and faster to do all the tasks yourself. It probably won’t be done just like you’d do it. You aren’t
Tilting Like a Pinball Machine?
In a recent trip to Portland, my son took me to a downtown vintage arcade that carried all the token-operated games from 80’s. There was
When You Are Too Casual About ____, You’ll Become a Casualty in Leadership
Many leaders have crashed and burned because they got too casual in their leadership and lost their intentionality and focus on the “main things”. Evaluate
The 40 Books I Read in 2018 (part 1)
I hit my goal of reading 40 non-fiction leadership and personal growth books last year, and thought I’d share either the big thought or why
Why You Must Schedule “Thinking Time”
The whirlwind of your life is real. From the moment you wake up, it’s easy to get swept into it and be spun around by
Approaching Performance Reviews with Continuous Feedback–Guest Blog by Rae Steinbach
While annual performance reviews were once a widespread convention across multiple industries, all signs point to the fact that this is rapidly changing. More than