Leadership Articles
8 Ways to Lead Up While Following
April 25, 2022 | Originally posted September 4, 2020 You want to be on your boss’s good side to get a great performance review, right?
How to Be An Accessible Leader (And Still Make Time for Your Own Work)
March 16, 2022 As a leader, you know that being accessible to your staff and being there when they need you builds confidence and trust,
Employee Discipline: When Leaders Must Enforce Penalties
Originally published November 19, 2016 A football player moves before the ball is snapped. A facemask gets used to throw a player to the ground.
How to Know if You are an Effective Leader
December 16, 2021 | Originally posted on September 2, 2019 Your company has met its goals for the year and your team is firing on
3 Elements of Effective Communication with Employees
December 7, 2021 | Originally posted August 22, 2018 I like the title of a John Maxwell book: Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. At its core,
How to Know if Your Project Was Effective
No matter what your profession, you have projects. Projects are larger-scale tasks/initiatives that gather multiple people with a myriad of steps to accomplish something of
You are a Learner If…
One of my “official” strengths when taking the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment is being a Learner. Yes, I’ll own that. I’m insatiable when it comes to
10 Monday Mindset Motivators–and All Week Long
To be on the “top of your game” every day, you must have your thought patterns in the right place. Your thoughts turn into feelings
16 Daily Success Habits
I queried my coaching clients last month for the habits they do every day in order to have a better chance at a typical day
Why Remote Teambuilding Exercises Are More Important Than Ever–Guest Blog from Patrick Bailey
The trend towards working remotely has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, before 2020, working remotely was a rapidly growing implementation by many organizations
Books I Read I Recommend from 2020
So, yeah, I “nerd-out on non-fiction”: primarily reading personal growth and leadership books, and 2020 was no exception, reading 45 books–some, while exercising, on Audible,
When You Have Nothing to Pour Out: A Leader’s Inner Health
“If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially
How to Plan Fantastic Fridays
If you are like most workers, you look forward to Fridays. Some people have chosen to intentionally set aside Fridays for one big activity every
8 Employee Retention Ideas
I read a stat last week in one of my trade magazines that said fully one-third of employees are looking to switch jobs in the
Three Mental Health Related Ways To Boost Productivity–Guest Blog by Josie Andrews
For many of us, work is a major part of our lives. It’s where we spend most of our time, where we get our income,
Enhancing Your Executive Presence (part 2)
What is EP? Executive presence is a combination of personal traits and outward behaviors that create an image of leadership competence and trustworthiness. Executive presence is
Enhancing Your Executive Presence (part 1)
What is EP? Executive presence is a combination of personal traits and outward behaviors that create an image of leadership competence and trustworthiness. Executive presence is
Vision: From Person to Paper to People
Without a process, cool visions are only daydreams that “die on the vine”. And you gravitate back “the way things always are.” How does a
Don’t Let the Mosquitoes of Life Get to You
We are fortunate that in my area of Eastern Washington state, we don’t have a whole lot of mosquitoes in our climate. And, our local
How to Be Seen as a “Go-To” Person
Remember when you were young and with your friends or siblings, and it was determined someone had to go first to do a distasteful chore?
Who’s on Your Personal Board of Directors?
It’s almost impossible to become a high performer in any profession without a fantastic support team in front of you, beside you and behind you.
14 Self-Leadership Books I Read Last Year
I realize that I hadn’t shared the titles of the 35 leadership and personal development books I read in 2019. Here are the ones I
Have You Felt the Joy of the Assist?
As a young boy, my sport was softball. I played shortstop, the center of action on defense. I loved diving for the ball and throwing
Your Secret Weapon as a Leader
Still got that lovin’ feelin’ as a leader at work? I hope so! “If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, there is no way you
The Journey from Dependence to Interdependence–Guest Blog by Amir Ghannad
In his timeless classic, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey describes three habits necessary to achieve what Covey calls the Private Victory,
As a Leader, You are Accountable
“As the boss, you have the freedom to act; it also means you are accountable for results,” declares Alan Randolph. Andy Stanley stood up in
Getting Stronger as a Leader
There is a good chance that you have worked in your industry for a while and are quite familiar with its products/services,compliance/risk management, and how
The One Thing a Leader Must Model to the Team Every Day
To make your awesome vision happen, you will have to work your tail off to turn it into reality. There’s a certain tenacity that must
The Essential 3 C’s of Vision
Your people want to know where you are taking them. Without vision, leaders unintentionally create a feeling of dissatisfaction in their team because those leaders
Clean Your Leadership Lenses to See the Future
Leaders can’t get myopic, otherwise known as navel-gazing. When you spend all your time thinking about what is right in front of you in your