Separation–Initiation–Return: The Formula for Growth
“The rite of passage: separation–initiation–return. A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonders. He encounters fabulous forces and wins a decisive victory and, finally, returns from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” –Sam Keen Sometimes the separation is thrust upon […]
The Paraclete: September 2006
The Paraclete: October 2006
Pilgrim or Homesteader?
“In troubled times, the number of people thrown into psychological turmoil and radical questioning increases.” –Sam Keen Since most of us (unless we’re wired that way) are not extraordinary in radically questioning the consensus reality: the way things (our ourselves) are, it often takes a bomb in our lives to rock us into this state. […]
The Paraclete: November 2006
The Paraclete: February 2007
Shaped or Shaping?
“In ordinary times, most men/women do not have radical questions about their identity. They have been imprinted, indoctrinated, and governed by stereotypes, role models, heroic images, and commonly accepted ideology….Most people remain relatively unconscious, unaware of the forces that shape their lives.” –Sam Keen I would agree that I, too, was being carried by the […]
The Paraclete: December 2006
The Paraclete: January 2007
The Great Unknown
“The exemplary man, the hero, is excited by the unknown. He hears the call and responds, not knowing where the journey will take him or what obstacles he will meet along the way.” –Sam Keen The unknown is not viewed by the average person as “Great”. Usually “Scary” is a better word. Most of us […]