by Paul Casey

Separation–Initiation–Return: The Formula for Growth

The rite of passage: separation–initiation–return.  A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonders.  He encounters fabulous forces and wins a decisive victory and, finally, returns from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” –Sam Keen

Sometimes the separation is thrust upon us; sometimes we must get some space. Either way, it is important to get away from the noise/clutter/routine/relationships of daily life for a period of time in order to come to grips with one’s direction, and to plug into one’s spiritual Center, Whoever is on his/her heart’s throne (notice the capital letters because I personally believe it needs to be Jesus Christ).   God speaks to you and fills you and gives you guidance for the future as you listen and yield and receive from Him.  It probably will get messy for a bit, but eventually, clarity and peace emerge, and you are ready to share what you’ve learned in order to pass the baton of growth to other hungry souls who need what has been built into you.


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