The Beauty of “Found Time” Guest Blog by Erik Fisher

It can be one thing to be on top of your schedule, your task list, and be working on the right things, but what about when an unexpected emergency comes up? Do you have a plan for that? I started down this rabbit hole when I thought to myself at the grocery store that I […]

Enhancing Your Executive Presence (part 2)

What is EP? Executive presence is a combination of personal traits and outward behaviors that create an image of leadership competence and trustworthiness. Executive presence is how one acts (gravitas), speaks (communication) and looks (appearance). It’s a group of traits and behaviors that starts with you and emanates outward to create a perception of your ability […]

Enhancing Your Executive Presence (part 1)

What is EP? Executive presence is a combination of personal traits and outward behaviors that create an image of leadership competence and trustworthiness. Executive presence is how one acts (gravitas), speaks (communication) and looks (appearance). It’s a group of traits and behaviors that starts with you and emanates outward to create a perception of your ability […]

Vision: From Person to Paper to People

Without a process, cool visions are only daydreams that “die on the vine”. And you gravitate back “the way things always are.” How does a vision of a better life or business or team or strategy get from idea into implementation? Formulate the vision. Take the time necessary to ruminate on The Golden Tomorrow, or […]

Boundaries and Habits are Like Weed Tarp

In this COVID year, I have heard dozens of stories about how well my clients’ gardens and yards are doing–since they’ve been tele-working and using their non-work hours to do something therapeutic outside. I’m not the green thumb in my household, but I do know that wherever I did not originally put down quality weed […]

Don’t Let the Mosquitoes of Life Get to You

We are fortunate that in my area of Eastern Washington state, we don’t have a whole lot of mosquitoes in our climate. And, our local mosquito control organization does a great job of keeping it that way. But I’m from the Midwest, where mosquitoes are often called “the state bird,” and I go hiking in […]

Planning Your Personal Retreat Day

Personal retreat days are pivotal for you to invest in yourself and your future. You give yourself the gift of solitude time to be able to practice the skill of reflection. I have been doing personal retreats for about 15 years, starting with once every few years, and now once per month. I feel like […]

What Are You Consuming For Breakfast? Guest blog by John Golden

From the moment you wake up every day, it can seem like life really conspires to mess you up. Maybe you got up this morning and it’s cold and you don’t like the cold. Maybe the traffic is terrible. Maybe the baby was crying all night long, whatever. Maybe your kids are now being homeschooled […]

6 Reasons to Evaluate When Considering Moving On

You’ve got that restless feeling. Your job doesn’t give you that same positive feeling that it used to. Problems seem to outweigh victories. You have tried to hang in there, but it does seem like thoughts of looking for something new are increasing these days. You need a filter to help you sort out those […]

Culture Drives Your Business

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