When I’m Losing Ground…
“What is my reaction when….I find myself losing ground? Is there denial, blame, victim talk, whining, or quitting? Or am I like a real pro who, having lost a game on Sunday, head for the practice field on Monday determined to drain every ounce of valuable experience out of the losing effort so that next […]
Throwing a Flag on the Play
Was watching my son play football today, and my attention was drawn to the officials when they threw a flag and blew their whistle before a play started–delay of game or something. Must be fun to throw out the little yellowish hanky with a little weight on the end when seeing a rule violation, and […]
What Do You Do at Yellow Stoplights?
I was sitting at a stoplight waiting in the left turn lane. You know the drill. You’ve got a green light but no green arrow, so you sit in the intersection and wait till it’s clear–and then gun it before/as the light turns red. Well, that’s what I usually do. But I wasn’t in a […]
Lessons from the Pine Cone
A few years ago I was hiking alone near Spokane, and I picked up a beautiful pine cone, and God used it to teach me something about myself. When I picked it up, I got mildly spiked by its sharp edges. God showed me that I sometimes emotionally pick up some hindrances to healthy progress […]
God’s Fatherly Behaviors
I was reflecting on my parenting of my 2 kiddos, and my thoughts turned to how God parents me–and all of His children–if we’d just recognize it and praise Him for it. So, here is my attempt to do that: God, You conceived me/brought me to life. You come to my “performances” to cheer me […]
The Leadership Mantle
“Leadership means accepting responsibility for whatever we believe to be the call and the expectation of God upon our lives together…..Offering inspiration and direction to the other with the intent that together we’ll do the right thing.” (from When Men Think Private Thoughts) Not a lot of people want to “own up” or take responsibility […]
Time to Fill Your Flask and Get Going
In I Samuel 16:1, God says to the prophet Samuel after he keeps grieving the loss of God’s blessing on King Saul: “So, how long are you going to mope….? You know I’ve rejected him….Fill your flask….and get going.” How often do we get stuck in some emotion (fear, sadness, anger, etc.) to the point […]
The 4 Types of Friends You Must Have
4 Types of Friends You Need (from When Men Think Private Thoughts): 1. Ambassadors: walk through life with you..help you enjoy the ride…discovers life…shares laughs..talks about what reading, what issues facing, what questions you are asking….shares hopes for the future, feelings, fears, dreams… 2. Lift attendants: looks deeply and spots need…knows you well…sets out to […]
Horsed-Around Lately?
Ever ask yourself, “Why don’t I ever take the time anymore to just horse around?” I get so productive, so serious, so intentional–so often. I believe in the need for margin, or a time cushion, in our lives as to not burnout, nor give our loved-ones the leftovers, nor do slip-shoddy work. I’m wondering if […]
Questions to Ask Yourself to Keep in Tune
Get to a quiet place, settle in, seek the Lord, and begin asking yourself these questions to get in touch with your internal noise–in order to get to the bottom of what’s ailing ya: “What is the dominant feeling within me at this moment?” “Why is the enthusiasm gone?” “What troubles me about this decision/this […]