Increase Your Capacity to Do More with Less

Pressure mounts at work when: someone retires or gets fired, and it’s been determined the position won’t be filled someone goes out on leave for an extended amount of time responsibilities get added to your plate that aren’t in your job description new regulations force a new way of doing things  you have a sudden […]

Why Remote Teambuilding Exercises Are More Important Than Ever–Guest Blog from Patrick Bailey

The trend towards working remotely has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, before 2020, working remotely was a rapidly growing implementation by many organizations around the world.  Historically, shared in-person team-building experiences were effective ways of bringing together a group of colleagues outside of the mundane work environment. Unfortunately, this is no longer a […]

Books I Read I Recommend from 2020

So, yeah, I “nerd-out on non-fiction”: primarily reading personal growth and leadership books, and 2020 was no exception, reading 45 books–some, while exercising, on Audible, some on the local library Libby app, and the rest, in my morning routine by paperback/hard cover. My habit is to highlight pieces of books that impact me so that […]

18 Agile Actions I Took in 2020

I just finished my annual planning day, and am very excited to share with you some reflections about how I adjusted to this crazy year, to make it one that I can look back on with gratitude instead of negativity. Although I’m typically a beaver-golden retriever personality style (CS on the DISC) who likes my […]

When You Have Nothing to Pour Out: A Leader’s Inner Health

“If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the spirit in which you are rendering it.”  –Roger Babson The longer the corona-lockdowns continue, the more I hear of people’s mental/emotional health taking a beating. Have you felt like […]

How to Plan Fantastic Fridays

If you are like most workers, you look forward to Fridays. Some people have chosen to intentionally set aside Fridays for one big activity every week, to close out the week strong. Consider one of these “themes” for your Fridays as we enter a new year. Finish It Fridays: Got lots of tabs open on […]

What to do When You Feel Overwhelmed?

Overwhelmed? You know, that feeling of “emotional flooding” where your brain can’t wrap around all the things coming at you. I like to say that “overwhelmed” simply means “not broken down into small enough chunks for your brain to process.” And the consequence is typically paralysis: “shut down: system failure”. Or maybe a bit of […]

Feel Like You’re Just Treading Water?

I had a client say the other day that he was just “treading water” when I asked him how he was doing in this COVID-scarred world we now live in. It made me google that phrase, because I thought it an appropriate metaphor for how so many people I encounter are feeling. To tread water […]

8 Employee Retention Ideas

I read a stat last week in one of my trade magazines that said fully one-third of employees are looking to switch jobs in the next year! Yikes! To keep the best employees, leaders must be strategic in creating a culture where the team feels content, supported, trusted, empowered, and valued. While not any single […]

Do You Work Happy? Guest Blog by Greg Kettner

Working from home can be productive, fun and become boring, especially if you are an extrovert like me.  If there is one thing I’ve learned during COVID-19, it’s that I need people to function at my best. Many companies now realize that workers can be productive and money can be saved by employees being able […]

Culture Drives Your Business

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