by Paul Casey

When It’s Pleasant to Go to the Hospital

Marriage and family may provide the best hospital for our ancient wounds…”

 “The cry of life is ‘I deserve to be loved unconditionally.’ ” –Sam Keene

2 interesting quotes. I’ve always heard that marriage/family characterized as a laboratory (for creating something beautiful for the future), and now as a hospital (recovering from wounds of the past while in loving company). Unfortunately, those settings oftentimes become war zones that cause wounds instead of hospitals. Marriages/families, if God-honoring, should be places of as close to unconditional loving as possible, realizing we will fail on occasion due to our humanness.  I would encourage taking on an activity that I just did last month, that of writing a family mission statement and a marriage mission statement. These I will try to follow and to cheerlead in my home as guiding principles that get us close to unconditional love that God models for us.


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