Off-site Team Values Retreat
Most teams do not have a set of values that govern HOW they do business together. This leads to increased conflict and off-mission behaviors. Getting your team off-site for a half-day could be just what your team needs to re-align in unity. The basic flow of the morning/afternoon looks like:
- Introductions and Icebreaker
- Vision: why we are here; today’s hopeful outcomes
- A discussion about Corporate Culture and interactive answering of 3 questions that, if answered, get at the essence of your culture
- Debriefing the feedback by comparing them to your organization’s mission/vision.
- Developing team values (DNA/True North).
- What commitments will this team make to each other? Values exercise
- Find patterns and decide on top 5-7 values.
- Brainstorm as-specific-as-possible behavior statements.
- Share with the group and decide on the next steps for pulling these together for final evaluation and buy-in.
- Marking the moment
- Ways to drive values deep into the culture