by Paul Casey

Make Every Moment Extraordinary

stanley cupSo, I was watching this commercial this morning… This group of guys went to Las Vegas and decided to live it up. The way they did it is to pretend they won the Stanley Cup or some other championship. They grabbed a plant-holder from the hotel lobby and toted it around to all sorts of clubs and venues, getting everyone to celebrate their mock success. People held the “cup” and danced, and the guys lived large, until they, exhausted, went back to their hotel, put the plants back in the plant-holder and went to bed.

The lesson from the commercial can be pertinent for you today: you can make every moment into something bigger than it is. I don’t mean to be a drama king/queen. Instead, you can take the ordinary routines and tasks and relational interactions and turn them one notch closer to extraordinary.

“Extraordinary” can be the specific, personal praise/encouragement you give a colleague or family member. It can be getting your typical tasks done with more flair or more speed. It can be the creative ideas you use to transform a boring staff meeting. It can be setting a goal so high that it motivates you to see if you can attain it.

Don’t settle for ordinary routines and ruts. Ramp it up with “just a little bit extra”, and you will be more appreciated for the zest you add to others’ lives–and your own. to subscribe to Target Practice e-news inspirations like this one.


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