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There is power in self-awareness; in reflecting upon our behavior and our impact on others. Knowing your personality style, beyond a DISC assessment or EIQ, and maximizing it is step one. A leader’s mold can’t fit everyone; diversity is essential. Understanding those around you and modifying your approach increases your influence on controllable factors fostering growth. This course aims to expand your “Circle of Influence” through tools for enhanced self-awareness, improved communication, and true team motivation. Unlock your team’s potential by maximizing and modifying your personality.

Before we begin, follow the steps outlined in the next video. You’ll need to access the Personality Test on the home page of the website. Click on the link below:

Personality Styles & Bringing Out the Best

Unlocking Strengths in the Workplace

Personalities at Work

Compare and Contrast the four types.Open the accompanying worksheet to keep your notes.


Environment, Decisions, Workspace, Pluses on the Job Struggles, People You Like, Fears, Stressors, When Stressed

Communicating with Other Styles

So you can bring out your best – So you’re fully aware of how the other people around you communicate – So you can fully unlock your team’s potential


Otters – Communication Lions – Communication Goldens – Communication Beavers – Communication

Modify Your Style

Honor the personality styles around your but modifying your approach to meet their needs.


Otters – Modifying Lions – Modifying Goldens – Modifying Beavers – Modifying


You can now unlock your best team!


Two things to leave you with