10 Life Lessons from my High Adventure Course Experience

There I was, looking up at the structure of ropes and logs and wires. I think it was about 60 feet high, but it could have been 100 for all I knew, standing beneath it. And they said it’d be fun. This will be a stretching experience, I told myself. Something to check off the […]

How to Be Seen as a “Go-To” Person

Remember when you were young and with your friends or siblings, and it was determined someone had to go first to do a distasteful chore? Someone would call out “1-2-3…” and as fast as possible, the group would yell, “not it!” Usually it was said in unison, in order to get out of doing it, […]

Who’s on Your Personal Board of Directors?

It’s almost impossible to become a high performer in any profession without a fantastic support team in front of you, beside you and behind you. Just like an organization has a board of directors to guide it, you too can create your own personal board of directors to guide and encourage you. You need people […]

14 Self-Leadership Books I Read Last Year

I realize that I hadn’t shared the titles of the 35 leadership and personal development books I read in 2019. Here are the ones I recommend to you, for your reading list for the rest of 2020–to keep you Growing Forward! What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith (the need to […]

Don’t Waste Your Pain

I like to pass on the story of a young girl giving away golden retriever puppies in a little pen she had made in her front yard next to a handmade sign. A young boy limped up to her and asked if they were truly free, and she confirmed that he could take any one […]

What Adversity Can Lead To

While hiking our highest “peak” of our local “mountain” a couple weeks ago, I reflected on how, while it was difficult going uphill for cardio-vascular reasons, some of the downhill portions gave me more trouble.  I’m not as nimble as I used to be, and I had to step more carefully on sandy or gravel […]

Add One Thing to Your Morning Routine

When I ask clients and seminar participants what they do to make their mornings more successful, I get a mixed bag of answers. Some say that they get up, shower, drink coffee, and dart out the door just in time to get to work on time.  This hair-on-fire method lacks intentionality and misses out on […]

Me-Time–What is It? Why is it Important?

“Me-time”. Sounds a little selfish, huh? I suppose it would be if it was “all about you, all the time.” The Me-time I’m referring to is replenishment time just by yourself without any responsibilities to anyone else. The majority of my clients say that they do not get enough (or any) Me-time in a typical […]

Return to Terminal or Exit Airport–Your Choice

It’s been a while since I’ve been at an airport, but the last time I was there, I noticed two signs: one said Return to Terminal, and the other said Exit Airport. My mind wandered while on the shuttle, as I thought about how each of us has those two signs constantly in front of […]

Have You Felt the Joy of the Assist?

As a young boy, my sport was softball. I played shortstop, the center of action on defense. I loved diving for the ball and throwing a runner out at first. Then soccer became my game when I hit seventh grade and I gave it my all throughout middle and high school–the thrill of scoring goals […]

Culture Drives Your Business

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