Current State of the Heart

In the Bible book of Numbers, Moses charges his spies with some good advice that can apply to our learning to read people  that we come in contact with (being more perceptive so that we can meet people where they are), or simply to self-evaluate our current state of emotions before engaging others. Strong or […]

Questions to Self-Evaluate

Sharpen your behavior by taking some time to reflect on these questions. Then take the next action step. Productivity: What are 3 things that give me the most payoff on your job? How much time do I spend on those 3 things? Do I have written goals in these payoff areas?  How often do I […]

Blowing Bugles

Numbers 10:10 says to “blow the bugles…; they will keep your attention on God” Every waking moment is spent focusing on something–even when daydreaming!  Focus can be undisciplined (roaming from one target to another) or disciplined (actually choosing priorities as targets).  It’s so easy to shift that attention to personal pain/issues or reacting to someone […]


“It is only when we arrive at a deep sense of self-acceptance that we are able to be self-forgetting and spontaneous.” –Sam Keene I believe self-acceptance and humility is not thinking less of self, but thinking of self, less. If you aren’t wrapped up in self-issues, there is a freedom that comes with it: a […]

The Action of Waiting

“To wait is to trust that something may happen without conscious intention, without willpower.” –Sam Keene For many of us, it’s hard to stay put, to hang tight, to wait–especially if it means staying in a painful place without taking evasive action! But consider this: action is still in order; waiting is a verb, you […]