My 2nd Half of Life Goals

On my 37th birthday 20 months ago, I came up with a list of things I want to be characterized by, for the 2nd half of my life; in part, what I want to be known for at my memorial service someday. Maybe it’ll inspire you to make your own list and pursue it daily. […]


“The men I admire and enjoy the most are those who pause to wonder and remind me to…Stop. Look. Listen….To wonder is to open ourselves up to the gift of being with a sense of gratitude.” –Sam Keene How many people do you know that are introspective, that actually take time to ponder how they […]

A Dedication I’d Like as a Eulogy

In the book Fire in the Belly, that I’ve quoted a lot in this blog, a dedication was listed for a man who had passed away. As I underlined phrases in it, I thought of how neat those words would be if said of me at the end of my life, too.  What do you […]

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“Make the Next Right Decision”

It’s a saying that a friend often leaves my presence with, when I’m uncertain what to do in a situation. And it’s good advice. Biting off the whole chunk of the decision cannot be done in a second, minute, or hour–so all I have control over is responding correctly to the piece right in front […]

Say, “Please”

Numbers 14:8-9 “If God is pleased with us, He will lead us into that Land…Just don’t rebel against God! And don’t be afraid of those people…God is on our side.” I need a “pleaser” evaluation once in a while. Oftentimes, I choose to please another human being out of fear or obligation, basically not for […]

Perspective: Victory or Victim?

More stuff from Numbers 13. Life’s trials and uncharted territory are all about our perspective on them: It’s either “Let’s go up and take the land–now. We can do it,” said by Caleb. Or it’s “We can’t attack those people; they’re way stronger than we are ….Alongside them, we felt like grasshoppers,” said by the […]