3 Elements of Effective Communication with Employees

December 7, 2021 | Originally posted August 22, 2018 I like the title of a John Maxwell book: Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. At its core, communication is simply the exchange of information. Leaders need to be superior at listening, sharing, and collaborating to master effective communication. When these three elements of communication work together, you […]

How to Have a Tough Talk with a Team Member

Having tough talks with team members is stressful but avoiding confrontation can make things even worse. Did you know that it actually takes more energy to deal with unresolved conflict than it does to address it head-on? Managers spend 42% of their time addressing workplace conflict associated with people problems. Often the issues have festered […]

Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence

You’ve probably experienced someone in your work or personal life who has a high degree of emotional intelligence. They are self-aware, they set boundaries, remain in control of their emotions and display empathy.  On the flip side, you’ve probably known someone with the exact opposite traits. They react rather than respond in stressful situations, they […]

Common Career-Limiting Habits and How to Break Them

by Paul Casey | October 18, 2021 You are performing well at work, hitting your productivity goals, and even taking on extra work. Over the last couple of years, you’ve been passed over for promotions by people with less experience. Scratching your head, you wonder, “What gives?” It’s possible that you have taken on one […]

How to Know if Your Project Was Effective

No matter what your profession, you have projects. Projects are larger-scale tasks/initiatives that gather multiple people with a myriad of steps to accomplish something of impact for a recipient. They take a lot of energy and time. And, I believe that anything worth doing is worth evaluating–both for what worked and what could be improved […]

You are a Learner If…

One of my “official” strengths when taking the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment is being a Learner. Yes, I’ll own that. I’m insatiable when it comes to learning, especially in the areas of leadership and self-leadership. I’ve got a hardbound book going, a book on CD going in the car, podcasts and audio books going while exercising […]

Small Things Make a Big Difference–guest blog by Chris Baker

How are you doing? Is 2021 panning out the way you hoped? If you set a goal or made a New Year’s Resolution, how is that going? I ask these questions because it is important to know what you are doing that will take you from where you are now to where you want to […]

10 Monday Mindset Motivators–and All Week Long

To be on the “top of your game” every day, you must have your thought patterns in the right place. Your thoughts turn into feelings with turn into actions and then into your results.  What kind of mindset could you adopt, to better assure this will be a successful Monday (or any day!)? I will […]

8 Things Not to Lose

We’ve all lost our keys or wallet or sunglasses a time or two, and we’ve either found them or replaced them. However, there are less tangible things that absolutely must not be lost because of the negative consequences to living the best version of yourself AND the necessity of making the contribution you must make […]

16 Daily Success Habits

I queried my coaching clients last month for the habits they do every day in order to have a better chance at a typical day being successful. It’s important to do them every day and be fully present/invested in them in order to get the cumulative effect of them on your life. Outside of work: […]

Culture Drives Your Business

Where is yours headed?

Get a glimpse at your corporate culture with a free culture audit. Do your mission, vision, and values truly drive your organization?

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