by Paul Casey

10 Self-Reflection Questions to Hone Your Best Self

question-yikA5pBiEAsking yourself these self-reflection questions helps you get to the core of what strengths you need to enhance even more, and what aversions you need to put boundaries or action plans to. And it’s just a great exercise for greater self-awareness. Remember, we are always in a quest for significance; keep re-defining it for yourself.

I answered them as an example for you.

1. What is fulfilling to me? Giving ideas to people who are stuck/hungry to grow; listening and helping others through a problem; opportunities to be creative; exercising for good health

2. What is unfulfilling to me? the same old tasks/ruts; not making a visible difference in others’ lives

3. What is my best habit? time management; intentionality; daily exercise

4. What is my worst habit? picky, non-nutritious eating

5. What is my highest high? getting paid to speak to a receptive audience; when I am loved unconditionally; when I coach someone to take action to better him/herself

6. What is my lowest-low? when I’m verbally-attacked/bad-mouthed

7. What do I like most from others? affirmation, gifts, acts of service

8. What do I like least from others? criticism, negativity, no-can-do attitude

9. What is my biggest asset? resourcefulness, enthusiasm, personality, maximizer, idea-generator, constant contact with God

10. What is my biggest liability? passivity, discouragement


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