by Paul Casey

Action Time!

police-lights-flash-siren1At a recent prayer breakfast I attended for the National Day of Prayer, a sheriff was speaking and inspiring the crowd. He mentioned that he needed to finish up and quickly get to a high school class where he was the speaker. A lady in the audience said, “Just put on your siren and go!”  Without skipping a beat, he used that phrase as his conclusion, encouraging us all to take an action to be a positive influence in making our country great once again.

“Just put on your siren and go” can be a great personal motivator. What do you need to push a button on and kick into gear? Is it your personal wellness? Enriching your marriage? Focusing on casting your values to your children? Becoming more engaged at work or in your community?  Whatever it is, you must step it up a notch from where you are now, or you will continue to get the results you are getting.

Your “siren” is what you will tell your circle of influence (the people who are FOR your success) about the goal you are going to pursue wholeheartedly. The “go” part is your plan to start TODAY with your first action item. Take one step a day, no matter how small, toward the direction of your vision, and you WILL see progress after a month!

I think I hear your tires squealing…


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