by Paul Casey

Look Forward, Look Back

janus_225-212I’m not into mythology at all, but I recently read that Julius Caesar, the guy who instituted the modern calendar, named January 1 as the first day of the year in honor of the god Janus, the god of new beginnings. Janus had 2 faces, allowing him to look forward and backward at the same time. That would be handy for moms and dads, backing out of parking lots, playing defense in basketball, I could go on…

The reason I think that’s interesting is that I’m preparing for my annual two days of reflection in QUIET at the end of the year (next week), and it’s when I do these 2 things of summing up 2012 with gratitude and what I learned, and hearing from God about His vision for my life in 2013, developing goals in the main categories of my life (marital, business, spiritual, fun….).

I’d encourage you to make this a new habit for yourself so that you start getting the most out of the past year so that you repeat/enhance the good you’ve experienced, and so that you can envision new adventures and take new ground (without procrastination) in this gift of a new year.

And while you are at it, sign up for my e-newsletter on my web site; it’s easy to do and will give you a monthly boost of life-enhancing tips. And I’d also appreciate a Like on Facebook by searching for Growing Forward Services.


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