Do you ever just chill when you enter one of those automated car washes? You pay the money, put the car in neutral, and let the machine pull you through the cleaning cycles. The other day, I went to one to get the dirt off my vehicle, but then it became more about having breathing space in my day for a few minutes. I never thought about it being a place of respite from the “weather” of life hitting me all day.
Where in your day do you have quiet to just breathe, think, and reflect? It was amazing how just in those few moments of rinsing, soaping, rinsing, and drying, with huge sponges and mops slapping against my windows, I felt at peace. I added stuff I’d forgotten about to my to-do list. I prayed for a friend who I knew was struggling that day. I re-ordered my priorities for the rest of the afternoon/evening. And then my car was kicked out with an illuminated GO sign–as if to say, “Now you had a break. You are ready to take on the rest of your day. Go, make something happen!”
And I had a sparkling car to do it in.