“Humor is a very effective way of expelling anger feelings.” This is just one of the benefits to get more of a daily dose of humor in your life, and to use it as a communication strategy with everyone around you. Humor builds bridges between people, and laughter is a huge stress reliever–It’s great for your health! And who doesn’t want to listen to a humorous speaker at a conference, as opposed to a serious-toned one?!
Put more humor in your life!
- Post/share them on your social media for others to laugh with you.
- Find the funny side of awkward situations.
- Watch more clean comedians.
- Add humor to the meetings you run, before the agenda starts.
- Amp up the (appropriate) positive banter in the office or at home.
- Find a YouTube funny video every day, just to laugh.
- Learn a few jokes well enough to tell at parties/gatherings.
- Add cartoons to your bulletin boards, refrigerator, and mirrors.
Come on, lighten up, will ya?