Refining Fire
Numbers 31:23 “….anything else that can survive fire–must be passed through the fire; then it will be ritually purified.” God must think we are valuable in order to spend His “energy” on putting us individually through the fire of testing. That’s amazing in itself that He cares that much about us! God must also think […]
It’s OK to Have Some Fun in Life
“To get through the world alive we have to care until our hearts break, and cram our lives full of enjoyment….Only enjoyment and gratitude for our lives create a spontaneous impulse to care for others…..We will gain the desire and wisdom to create a more compassionate society only when we learn to take our time […]
Holier Than Thou
“To guard against self-righteousness, the spiritual warrior must practice the discipline of perpetual repentance. I must constantly remind myself that I am part of the problem I am trying to solve.” –Sam Keene Most of my youth was spent being self-righteous, instead of being broken before God, Who knows my limitations and weaknesses and posturing […]
The Desired End Result of a Bad Experience
Numbers 23:23, “People will look and say….’What a great thing God has done!’” I want these words said as the end result of every trial in my life. The only way to get those words said is through my godly response to the less-than-desired experience–showing how grateful I am for the lessons learned in it, giving […]
Getting Our Attention
Numbers 22:32 “I have come here to block your way because you are getting ahead of yourself” Numbers 22:35 “Only say what I tell you to say–absolutely no other word.” These Scriptures relate to the wishy-washy prophet Balaam, to whom God had to use extreme measures in order to get his attention: talking donkeys, angels with […]
Where Will You Enter the Struggle?
“The heroic male identity arises when we are outraged about some specific instance of evil and become warriors in defense of the sacred.” –Sam Keene This quote isn’t just for men, by the way. Anger has been hard-wired into us by God to be against evil. However, we usually use that emotion out of selfishness or […]
The One Scale That Matters
“Men require a revolution in identity in which we measure success by our capacity for compassion…and virility, by the capacity to nurture, husband, and mentor.” –Sam Keene Success has many measurements, all dependent on one’s perspective, or an observer’s (like a boss) perspective. Life-success is measured by God Himself, and I believe His scale is […]
The Paraclete: May 2008
The Paraclete: April 2008
The Paraclete: March 2008