by Paul Casey

No Longer a Loser

A man was not built by his Creator to live as a loser….”

Living as a loser? When I think of what losers look like, their shoulders are hunched, their eyes are down at the ground, their pace is dragging, a frown is plastered on their faces, they are quick to react in anger or irritation, nothing looks bright, their whole day/life seems to be in ruins.  Anyone feeling like that emotionally lately?

Well, God is a God of victory, and He’s YOUR God! He is the Lifter of your head. He sets your feet upon the solid rock. He brightens your eyes with His power and abundant life-giving breath. He quickens our pace, and lights up our face. He gives a deep peace inside that surpasses all understanding. We feel like the conquerors He has commissioned us to be. We are overcomers and winners only when connected to Him. So, that’s the simple formula: connect to Jesus this day and every day and it will birth new life in your spirit!

How’s that for an Easter-forward encouragement from your King?!


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