by Paul Casey

The End of Me Triggers the Beginning of Him

“God will do what only He can do, and your job is to do what you can do.”
“He is your Shepherd. Life is His pasture, and He will get you through it.”
“In God’s economy, getting to the end of ourselves is the beginning of hope.”
  —God Will Make a Way (Cloud/Townsend)

It’s 2 sides of the same coin: when you are facing a big decision or a huge trial in your life, we must pray as if it all depends on God (complete faith, no doubting, letting Him be God), and then keep working on our “stuff” to get the best information, own our own issues, pursue healing, and work hard at it.  So, how big is the God you worship, and how big is His love for you? If bigger than the universe, and you believe that, it will be easier to trust His plan, to trust He has the end-game in mind, and what’s best for you on His radar screen always.  But giving up the steering wheel of the current situation is the ONLY way He’ll take your issue completely–and then HOPE can spring up as He says, “Thank you; it’s all mine now to handle for you.”


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