by Paul Casey


“When the student is ready, the guru appears.”

Teachability. I don’t think it’s actually a word in the dictionary, but boy, is it an essential skill of anyone who wants to grow. If you want to make an impression on this world, you first must become pliable, able to be shaped by God and those He uses to teach you life lessons of success.  Do you shut down when someone confronts you in love and with truth? Do you reject advice? Do you dig in your heels in your position and close your mind to wise insights? If any of those questions are YES, your growth will be limited. If you are “able to be taught”, like Proverbs counsels us to be, you will soar into your future with much less turbulence thanwhen fighting it all the way. Pray for teachability, and God will show up ready to teach some lessons that’ll rock your world!


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