by Paul Casey

Growing Forward Services

Begin where you are…’When the student is ready, the guru apears.’  To a man who wants to know who he is, and is willing to change in accordance with what he learns, the world and everyday experiences are his teachers.” –Sam Keene

Every day is a new day for starting again. It’s a fresh canvas to paint one’s life on.  A cup prepared to pour your coffee into (Ok, you get the point.). So, start the day as a learner, an eager, expectant sponge of what God wants to imprint on your heart. Without a teachable spirit, you are a locked vault, impenatrable to the good stuff He wants to pour into you.

 Once you have the attitude of the learner, put on the attitude of an adjuster. Since everyone and every circumstance is a potential learning experience, as that truth sinks in, an action item often is linked to it. At that moment, we can choose to incorporate it into our developing life (into the image of Jesus), or to discard it as simply knowledge.  I think God wants us to make the changes and to grow!


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